Search Results for: just transition

Pages (4 results)



Applying to ERG The Energy and Resources Group trains interdisciplinary leaders and thinkers who are defining and solving the systemic, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing the world. The information ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Admissions FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) we receive and their answers. If you don’t find what you need on this page, please email us at [bs_collapse ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Admissions FAQ

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Students (6 results)

Elmallah, Salma

Salma Elmallah


Characterizing Fairness, Transparency, and Openness in US Wind Project Planning (MS ’19) Salma’s dissertation studies the equity and distributional impacts of residential heating electrification policy and planning, focusing on cities ... Continue Reading »

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McAdams, Jasmine

Jasmine McAdams


Jasmine is a first year MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, with a passion for supporting robust and equitable decision-making in climate and energy. Her research interests ... Continue Reading »

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Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen is a first year Masters student at ERG. He is interested in the economic, political, and social dimensions of the net-zero transition: What are the major obstacles to climate ... Continue Reading »

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Ott, Zora

Zora Ott


Zora is a MA student at the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in just energy and mobility transitions and how socio-spatial, technical, and everyday citizen knowledge, can be ... Continue Reading »

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Rempel, Jenny

Jenny Rempel


Surfacing Overlying Rights: Assessing Transitions in Overlying Rights to California’s Groundwater Basins (MS ’20) Jenny grew up in Fresno, California, and graduated from Stanford University with an interdisciplinary environmental science ... Continue Reading »

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Strecker, Jesse

Jesse Strecker


Evaluating the Role of Labor Unions in the Politics of Decarbonization: Insights from Political Economy and Socio-Technical Transition Studies (MA ’19) Jesse is a student in the concurrent Master’s degree ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (6 results)

Oshun, Molly

Molly Oshun


Putting biodiversity on the map: exploring spatial dimensions of California biodiversity for conservation planning (MS ’22) Molly studies California watersheds. Her research investigates strategies to improve forest health, protect biodiversity, ... Continue Reading »

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Mohanty, Priyanka

Priyanka Mohanty


What are the Best Practices for Rapid and Just Energy Transition? (MS ’22) Priyanka earned her Masters of Science with the Energy and Resources Group. At ERG, she works on ... Continue Reading »

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Bolliger, Ian

Ian Bolliger


Monitoring and Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change with Emerging Environmental Datasets and Machine Learning (PhD ’20) Ian works to provide decision-makers with quantitative, high-resolution projections of the socioeconomic impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Williams, Jim

Jim Williams


M.S. 1986 – A Vehicular Power Plant Application of the Monolithic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ph.D. 1995 – Fan-Lizhi’s Big Bang: Science and Politics in Mao’s China ERG alumnus Jim Williams, now ... Continue Reading »

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Avrin, Anne-Perrine

Anne-Perrine Avrin


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Anne-Perrine is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group and a research fellow within the ... Continue Reading »

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Avila, Nkiruka

Nkiruka Avila


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »

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News (9 results)

Data-Focused Partnerships Will Play Essential Role in Facilitating a Just Energy Transition, Report ERG Researchers

Report ERG Researchers Data-Focused Partnerships Will Play Essential Role in Facilitating a Just Energy Transition

ERG PhD students Sam Miles and Annelise Gill-Wiehl and ERG’s Dan Kammen were recently published in GreenBiz with a piece about the importance of fostering data-focused research partnerships in order ... Continue Reading »

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ERG’s Crespo Montañés and Kammen on Centering Equity In the Clean Energy Transition

ERG’s Crespo Montañés and Kammen on Centering Equity In the Clean Energy Transition

A commentary with authorship by ERG PhD student Cristina Crespo Montañés and ERG professor Dan Kammen has recently been published in Science Direct on how we can center principles of ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition

ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition

After going on hiatus for two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ERG Annual Lecture on Energy and the Environment returned as a fully in-person event this year, with Damilola Ogunbiyi speaking at Sibley Auditorium about how to drive a more just and equitable global energy transition.

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ERG Professor Dan Kammen on How Electric Vehicles Help Advance Social Justice

ERG Professor Dan Kammen on How Electric Vehicles Help Advance Social Justice

ERG Professor Dan Kammen recently published an article on the San Francisco Chronicle titled "How electric vehicles can help advance social justice". He praises Lyft's recent promise of its transition to 100% electric vehicles (EV) on its platform by 2030. Kammen ties the climate victory in with California Public Utilities Commission's move to protect the often vulnerable employees of the gig economy by considering drivers for ride-hailing companies to be employees in accordance with the state’s AB5 law.

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ERG Students, Faculty and Alumni Encourage You to Vote!

Faculty and Alumni Encourage You to Vote! ERG Students

As the November 6, 2018 midterm elections approach, the Energy and Resources Group faculty, students, and alumni are taking action to increase voter participation. We encourage all voices to be heard ... Continue Reading »

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ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy

ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy

ERG's Dan Kammen was featured in a recent article in the Los Angeles Times proposing that Russian aggression has hastened the need for America and other nations to transition away from relying on fossil fuels. (Photo by Karsten Würth)

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Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

Campus and Alumni Mourn the Passing of ERG Professor Gene Rochlin

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to pass on the news that University of California Berkeley Energy and Resources Group (ERG) core faculty emeritus Gene Rochlin passed away this weekend. 

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ERG PhDs in National Geographic: SWITCHing to a Low-Carbon Future

ERG PhDs in National Geographic: SWITCHing to a Low-Carbon Future

ERG PhD students Diego Ponce de Leon Barido and Josiah Johnston published a blog post in National Geographic on renewable energy investments in Nicaragua.

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Schwarzenegger, Brown, Kammen: Fighting Fossil Fuel’s “Dark Shadow”

Brown Schwarzenegger

Kammen speaks at Schwarzenegger's climate pep rally where both parties agree that it's time to fight the dark side.

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Topics (2 results)

Katta, Anjali

Anjali Katta


Anjali Katta (she/her) is a Masters student in the Energy Resources Group. She is interested in environmental, climate, and economic justice on both local and international scales. She has a ... Continue Reading »

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Singhal, Aaryaman “Sunny”

Aaryaman “Sunny” Singhal


Aaryaman “Sunny” Singhal is dual-degree student in the Energy and Resources Group and Goldman School of Public Policy at UC-Berkeley. He is interested in water security in the Western United ... Continue Reading »

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